Reactive Streams
- The MongoDB Scala driver is built upon Reactive Streams
- mongocamp wraps around the scala driver => Full support of Reactive Streams
- For Blocking Results (implicit) conversion to Result Objects is provided
- Conversion of Observable to Future is available
The MongoDB Scala Driver is an asynchronous and non blocking driver. Using the Observable model asynchronous events become simple, composable operations, freed from the complexity of nested callbacks.
Additional Info for Reactive Streams JVM
Additional Info for Mongo Scala Reactive Streams
Blocking Results
Conversion is provided in the DAO instances with four Helper function for Observable[C]:
Function Name | Function Result | Sample | Sample Result |
result | C | BookDAO.count().result() | Long |
results | Seq[C] | PersonDAO.findAggregated(aggregator).results() | Seq[Person] |
resultList | List[C] | UserDAO.find("name", "User").resultList() | List[User] |
resultOption | Option[C] | PersonDAO.find(Map("id" -> 42)).resultOption() | Option[Person] |
All functions have an optional maxWait parameter (Default maxWait = 10 seconds).
val listWithCustomMaxWait: List[Person] = PersonDAO.find().resultList(maxWait = 15)
Implicit Result Conversion (Blocking)
To use implicit result conversion, you have to import the mongocamp mongodb base package object.
import dev.mongocamp.driver.mongodb._
After that, implicit conversion and other useful implicits (e.g. Map -> Bson) are available.
val imagesCount: Long = ImageFilesDAO.count()
val seq: Seq[Person] = PersonDAO.find()
val list: List[Person] = PersonDAO.find()
val option: Option[Person] = PersonDAO.find("id", 42)
Future Results
DAO Instances support (implicit) conversion to Future,
val future: Future[Seq[Person]] = PersonDAO.find().asFuture()
val mapped: Future[Seq[String]] = => =>
val duration = Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val names: Seq[String] = Await.result(mapped, duration)